New stuff on my site

26th August 03: I created this website. The homepage was almost completed today, I started this page and I created a corkboard (see homepage)

27th August 03: Started working on "About Michael & Neverland" page. Gathered together a few pictures and facts to put on the site, still a few more to add tho... :S

15th July 2005: I feel terrible because this site has been abandoned! :( I know there was more on the site than I had mentioned coz I remember giving up on the "Site updates" page and just updating as and when I could. But now that the King of Pop can reign supreme again (as in he was fount "NOT GUILTY" on 10 counts of people trying to scam some money out of him! I knew he hadn't done any of those things, as do all his other fans! Anyway, to cut a very long story short, I've decided that I'm really going to work at this page now because I have a lot more time on my hands then I did when this page was brought into existance. (But that is a whole different story) So Im off now to do some more tweaking!

The picture kinda looks as though Michael is looking at the writing! Thats wierd.