The place where childhood never ends!

This website was made in dedication to the king of pop, Michael Jackson. Ive been a fan for as long as I can remember and feel quite strongly about the views some people have of him. If I ever got the chance to meet him, Id be there like a shot and Id make sure I never forgot the moment!
In this site, you'll find a mini biography, pictures, links and facts and fiction about the greatest star of all......MJ :)


I just found out today that MJ is planning to do his first TV interview since the trial soon. Oprah Winfrey looks like MJ's favourite at the moment out of all of the American TV Talkshows that are wrestling each other in the bid to be the first one that he talks to. It is also rumoured that Epic Records are trying to complete a "greatest hits" CD for July 12th 2005, which will contain an estimated 37 tracks. And on top of all of that, it is said that he will either have to sell all or part of his Neverland Valley ranch, or half of his shares in the Beatles' music, which is worth around $50 Million. The poor man is in debt of about £350 million!

Site Enhancements
Ok, so i havent got a guestbook yet, but there's a corkboard on this page. I will put up a guestbook eventually, but beacuse this site is still quite new, I want to make sure that I can design what's here up to the highest standard I can :)

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My Corkboard

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This is just the start of whats to come....read on to find out more ;)